Thursday, August 11, 2005

This is a rather dark poem, written when I was struggling with a relationship
It reveals to me how tough love can be.

Numb, blank darkness, closing in
cold pain, ache that gives no rest
prison walls give no light
hope does not spring eternal here
water pouring out
filling the pail that sits at my feet
running over onto the ground
puddles round my toes
salty streams down my face
stings the place I cut myself shaving this morning
no sound,
save the dripping of my tears

how many times have I picked up the phone
or started to write
too many, I have lost track today
sleep comes easy now
though it is haunted by swirling dreams
like thread unraveling from a spool
I try to grab it, but it snakes from my grasp
I stagger and stumble chasing after it
words fail and I collapse on their brokenness
I wake and remember how real, feels

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